Classification of automobile exhaust pipes

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What are the classifications of car exhaust pipes? Let's take a look. 1. General original pipe. 2. Back pressure pipe (as environmentally friendly as the original factory): The principle is the same as the original factory, but the sound is better than the original factory. Most of the factory cars mainly generate the pressure to return to the cylinder according to the change of the volume of the lattice plate muffler or pipe in the pipe, once the engine catches fire.

 Automobile exhaust pipeWhat are the categories? Let's take a look.

1. General original pipe.

2. Back pressure pipe (as environmentally friendly as the original factory): The principle is the same as the original factory, but the sound is better than the original factory. Most of the factory cars mainly generate the pressure to return to the cylinder according to the change of the lattice plate muffler or pipe volume in the pipe. Once the engine catches fire, the piston starts to move in diameter, and the exhaust valve opens before the piston reaches the sand point. At this time, the back pressure in the pipe can prevent the exhaust gas from coming out and make the mixer burn completely. However, if the overpressure is too strong, the exhaust gas cannot be completely discharged from the cylinder, and the exhaust gas and the mixer are burned together, thereby reducing the combustion efficiency. Of course, the most direct is the advantage of horsepower output L: low noise, good low-speed torque Disadvantages: low exhaust gas at high speed, engine power output volume: low (one star).

3. Semi-return pipe: This pipe has low reverse pressure and the exhaust sequence is simpler than that of the reverse pressure pipe. That is, there is an appropriate reverse pressure between the reverse pressure tube and the straight tube, and the initial twist exhaust purity is better than the reverse pressure tube. Of course, the intermediate rotation turnover rate also has greater advantages than the reverse pressure pipe. The mid-end speed torsion performance is good. Disadvantages: loud noise (two stars) Volume: louder.

4. Straight tube: The acceleration is better than the back pressure tube. The big disadvantage is that the "police cup" is noisy to chase you, the exhaust is very low, the exhaust has no resistance, the speed is low, the speed is low, the speed is low, and the speed is slow. The disadvantage is that the exhaust is smooth and the speed is fast. Low speed and loud noise.

5. Semi-straight pipe: In fact, the half-pass pipe is the same as the half-return pipe, but the exhaust outlet track has a great advantage over the half-return pipe: the starting torque is lower than the half-return pipe, and the medium and high speed torque is large.

6. Semi-double valve variable exhaust: The exhaust pipe is connected to the variable exhaust system and a side pipe is added. When one pipe is completely open, the other pipe is completely closed, which has a better sound effect than a single valve variable exhaust. When the dog has only 1/3, the sound effect is almost equal to that of a single valve exhaust. Turn on the sound, there is an exhaust that can change the sound size.

7. The variable exhaust pipe controls the exhaust through the valve to make the sound and performance reach a good state.

  Automobile exhaust pipeIn the role of the car body, it has the function of reducing vibration noise and prolonging the life of the exhaust noise reduction system. The main material of automobile exhaust pipe is stainless steel. For ordinary cars, the exhaust gas from the car leaves the engine under a lot of pressure, so the noise generated will drive people crazy. At this time, the main noise is the exhaust pipe of the car, in which a noise-canceling machine is installed to greatly reduce the noise of the car. The main working principle of automobile exhaust pipes is to divide the airflow through multiple channels. It can be seen that the transitions rub against each other and the flow velocity of the air stream gradually decreases. This repeated cycle eventually exhausts exhaust gas through the exhaust pipe of the car, reducing noise.